Tags: CleanEating Diet Nutrition Time Saving


Because we’ve all gotten side-tracked with our meal schedule
When we think meal prep, we imagine one day of cooking pots and pots of chicken and rice to put away for the week. Well, it doesn’t have to be as dull as that. Following these 10 steps will get your meal prepping done faster, have more versatile meals, and be nutrient enough to get you through the day-to-day.

1. How long are you preparing for?

A few days? A week? A month? Everyone has different preparation schedules with meal plans. While most of us prepare for the working week, some of us like to freeze meals to have for a little longer than that.

Ever felt like the flavour has slightly gone? Well maybe that’s because you prepared wayyy too far in advance.

Consider your weekly schedule. Are you working Monday to Friday? Start by preparing Monday to Wednesday, then Thursday to Sunday. This will allow you to have fresher meals, divide your meal prepping time across two days and leave you with more freedom in case some weekend dinner plans come up.

2.  Are you sticking to a specific diet?

Keto? Well, you’re going to want to keep this in mind.

Your diet plans will need to be considered in your meal prep. Ensure that you are covering all the nutritional requirements, have wholesome flavour (don’t cut back on spices) and have enough food to get you going through the day (especially that 3pm craving).

MEAL PREPPING IS THE BEST WAY TO STICK TO A DIET. Having this routine and set meals will ensure that you stick to the diet, it also means less distraction with foods you shouldn’t be eating.

Tip: only purchase foods part of the meals you are preparing.

3. Have you planned for enough nutrients?

This is one of the major keys when meal prepping. Many of us tend to make smaller meals to eat less. That isn’t what meal prepping is supposed to be.

You need to ensure you cover all the necessary food groups, that you are getting enough vitamins through your food, and are eating the right amount of calories for your body and your lifestyle.

Consider how much working out you are doing. You might need to add more protein to your meal prep, more calories to have the energy to burn.
When in doubt, ask your nutritionist to prepare a weekly meal schedule for you.

4. Storage Systems

This is probably the most important consideration on the list.

Make sure you have access to the right storage. There’s nothing worse than spending hours preparing meals to only have to throw them away.

If you’re going to freeze meals, make sure to label them with the date you cooked it.

When taking food to work, make sure it is stored correctly, and we’re not just talking refrigeration. Always, and I repeat, always consider how you transport your meals. Believe me, you don’t want that soup to spill in your car, or worse, in your bag… on your laptop.

5.  Versatility for cravings

We’re only human after all. Naturally, you’re going to have some cravings, when meal prepping consider this, so that you don’t get side tracked and over indulge.

Whether you’re on a diet or not, make sure to include some of your favourites in your meal plan, so that when those cravings hit, you’re prepared.

Keep it in moderation. Only allocate a small amount of the less nutrient foods. Otherwise, consider more nutritional options.

Try to incorporate longer shelf life options. This will prevent the food from going off in case you don’t have those cravings, feel full after a meal and don’t have a snack, or decide to not treat yourself that day (go you for having that determination).

6. Time Management

Whether you’re preparing for a few days or a full week, consider how long it’s going to take you to prepare the meals.

Have you got all day on Sunday to be cooking for a week? Or would it be better to spread it out across 2 or three days? Consider how you work best, do you prefer to get work done as early as possible, or do you prefer to work in smaller time allocations.

Consider the life of the meals too. As mentioned, the storage life is crucial to consider while meal prepping.

One way to cheat the process to save time is to purchase prepacked meals. There are many nutritional and flavoursome options on the market, with many local cafes/restaurants producing their own. Always check the nutritional info to ensure that the meals are healthy, and take into consideration the budget.

7. The Shopping List

Yes, that budget. Keeping the options wide but the receipt small can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be.

Plan in advance to ensure that you don’t need to purchase too much. Keep the higher price ingredients to a minimum, try to incorporate more vegetables into the diet, and less meat. But always consider the nutritional balance.

Tip prepare a list of meals for a month. This will allow you to consider your budget in advance too!

PLAN PLAN PLAN. That’s the key to successful meal preparation. Consider the above, planning the meals in advance and considering the above factors is crucial to ensure that you stick to your diet, budget and have nutritional meals full of flavour, cooked at your pace!   

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