Because home is where the heart is, and it’s more comfortable than a gym

Some of us prefer to workout at home, gym memberships can be costly, sometimes the environment is daunting, and, well, it is more comfortable after all. But it doesn’t come without negatives. There are so many distractions, and sometimes we lose track of our routine because we get a little too comfortable.

1. Have a dedicated space

Have a space in your home that is strictly for working out. Away from the tv, away from the kitchen, and most importantly away from your bed!

Having this space can help you associate it with your goals, a place you go to work hard and capture exactly what you want.

The space needs to have all your equipment there, enough ventilation, enough room for stretching (because that is super important) and the least amount of distractions. The room can have some speakers so you can blast some tunes to get you hyped up (more on this later), and maybe a little mini bar (with water and protein bars of course).

You can even add some motivational quotes or images to the walls, to have your surroundings motivating you.

For all the parents reading this, try to find a space that the kids can’t go in. This will give you some time away from them for a little. Otherwise, if you don’t have someone to keep an eye on them, create a little play pen for them to hang out in while you get your sweat on.

Tip: Have an outdoor workout space for when the weather is nice!

2. Same time everyday

Have a routine. Try and stick to the same time everyday.

Working out in the morning is proven to be an efficient way to start your day. If you’re able to get up early and sneak in a workout before work or school, make sure you get up at the same time on every workout day.

If getting up early isn’t your thing, schedule your workout for later in the day. Whether it’s a midday 20 minute HIIT (perfect if you work from home, to get you away from the desktop), or an after work hour of cardio, schedule your workout in for the same time everyday and stick to that routine.

Make sure it’s scheduled for a time when no other commitments might come up. This way you will be able to get the workout done each time.

3. Partner up

Team up! Workouts are always better when they’re with someone else.

Working out with your partner is a proven way to strengthen a relationship. Sharing the process to your goals together can be rewarding. Have your partner motivate you between reps, have them help with the barbells, and try to set a routine that works for both of you.

If you haven’t got a partner, or can’t share a routine, try workout with a friend! It’s great bonding time, and besides you can always do a big lunch afterwards! Working out with a friend who has similar goals can make it competitive too.

If you don’t have enough room for more than one person, or equipment, try workout over Facetime! Or get a group together and do your home workouts at the same time each week via Zoom!

4. Goal setting

Make a list of your workout goals.

Create stations within your space that are dedicated to your goals. Have motivational words and images around the space to help you achieve them.

Stick a list of your workout goals on the wall and check them off each time you achieve one.

Having goals, and achieving one by one, will help you feel better about your workouts. It will keep you motivated to be in your mini home gym each day and smashing out routines!

Have the right equipment and apps (check out our one here) to keep track of your goals and workouts.

5. Have a solid playlist, then turn off notifications.  

Having the right kind of playlist is crucial when working out at home. Music helps you stay motivated, removes distractions and helps with intervals. Depending on the genre it can even help you feel confident!

One thing I like to do is have a few different workout playlists, one for cardio (usually some house) and one for weights (old school hip hop always does the trick).

Always turn off notifications. The last thing you need is that ringing mid song when you’re deep into your workout.

Tip: don’t like working out to music? Put on a tv show and workout for the duration of an episode. This will keep you focused. This works best for cardio!

So whether you’re working out in your backyard or spare room, have a plan, prepare the space, get a routine and keep your goals in focus. Team up with the right people to keep you motivated and remember to change things up when it gets a little too repetitive.

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