Finding the right squad can be tough

It can be either competitive or supportive, but usually it’s the perfect balance of both! Group sessions for some are the only way to get through a workout journey, generate more motivation and even be a space for support mentally. Whether you’ve got your sights on a class with friends, or something completely out of your comfort zone, these are the five things to know before you join that group class.

Everyone is There for the Same Reason (Mostly)

Everyone is a little shy at the start, everyone has their goals set high on day one, everyone slacks off at some point. The reason you want to join the class is 100% the reason at least someone else in your class has joined. Sharing goals with others can make it much easier to achieve them, and it can even make it more motivating with a bit of competition.

Most people worry about judgement, but in fact, group classes work as support networks. Each member pushing the other to do their personal best. But not to worry, you still work at your own pace, without the judgement.

Independent Fitness Lovers

Many of us like to be alone while working out, whether it be as simple as clearing our mind or as complex as self-consciousness. Even though working out alone has it’s positives, a group session can be the ideal addition in your routine, not only to change things up, but to break the comfort zone and push you to achieve your ultimate goals.

Group sessions can be a great way educationally to develop your fitness knowledge and ensure you get the most out of your independent workouts. They are also generally more affordable and won’t hurt the pocket when you want that extra direction.

Many group sessions allow you to do your own thing, and at the end of the day each member is achieving their own goals.

The Social Aspect

If you’re an introvert and feel like the group sessions are a bit daunting, chances are the person next to you felt the same in their first session. Many people in your class will be at the same level as you. Fitness providers generally set up classes based on level of fitness, shared goals and in some circumstances based on age or gender, to ensure that you are comfortable in every session and share the experience with likeminded people.

The perks of group classes are the social elements, making new friends through your fitness journey helps you achieve your goals through that extra push, and gives you that weekly time slot to look forward to, even if it’s leg day!

Joining with your friends changes up the usual brunch or Friday drinks. Think of it as a way of becoming a better squad #squadgoals. Whether it’s a post uni session, a mum’s team after school drop-offs, or a bunch of pro-athletes from different sports competing about which sport is tougher, group classes are the perfect positive social event to look forward to every week.

Bang for your Buck

One-on-One sessions can be pricey, especially if we want to be doing them a couple of times a week. While we always recommend treating your health and fitness as an investment, we understand that there can be grey skies. When things get tough financially, cutting back on private sessions and joining group classes can be the ideal way to stay fit and healthy and keep the routine going.

These sessions still keep the educational element, with most trainers ensuring you learn how to do workouts correctly so that you can continue to work toward your goals at home. As little as one group session a week can still make a difference.

Time Flies

Ever done a workout that felt like it dragged out? Working out alone can seem like a chore. Group classes are full of fun, and most of the time the trainer keeps it entertaining. Being a weekly social event, because you’re having fun, the session is over before you know it!

A fun workout makes it less tedious and daunting. Whether you’re worried about doing the workout correctly, or you just simply hate working out, a group session is the perfect way to get cracking on those health and wellbeing goals, and find that motivation every single time. Feeling less like a chore makes the goal more attainable, keeps the mind positive and if done in the morning, is the perfect way to start the day.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro-athlete, group classes vary based on goals and fitness standards, and are generally grouped based on shared goals and standards. A good group class can be the ultimate way to start a day, make new friends and get fit. If you’re used to working out alone, it could be the perfect, and affordable way to get the most out of your independent workouts.

Check out our provider page to find a group class near you!