There are many reasons why we might want to drop animal products from our diet, regardless of what they are, it can seem like a difficult transition. Here are things to avoid when making the change.


This may seem like a strange start but many lollies contain gelatine, derived from animal tissue. Sometimes, even on a diet, we may reach for a quick sweet treat without thought, especially when transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle. However, many lollies are not vegan, and with the gelatine component it can be one of those animal products that slips past us.

Even though lollies are full of sugar and cause cavities, when you’re really craving some look for ones that specifically say they are vegan (and remember to find ones with natural components).

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish and can improve various health functions. Some of us may be recommended to take omega 3 supplements from our GP, and finding supplements that aren’t derived from fish can be difficult.

Try chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and many other natural sources of Omega 3 that aren’t derived from fish when you do require, or wish to supplement your diet with omega 3 fatty acids.

Protein Powder

Many protein powders are sourced from cows. However, there are so many vegan options and alternatives available.

Keep an eye out for protein powders that state they are vegan to ensure you are consuming the correct protein part of your lifestyle.

Mock Meat

Mock meat can seem like the best option to replace meat in our diets when turning vegan, however many of these options lack nutrients.

Keep these types of meals limited and look out for products that contain added iron or b vitamins, to ensure you get a nutritious meal.


Many vegan options out there are soy-based or contain a high soy content. However, many of us need to keep in mind that too much soy can be harmful for fertility and our thyroid function. Some studies have even shown that soy can slow muscle growth and be problematic for our testosterone levels.

Consider what alternative options are available and how much soy you are consuming.

When transitioning to plant based, ensure that you are receiving the right nutrients required for your daily intake. Keep in mind that we may have received iron and protein from animal meat and now we need to find these from other sources. Some of these sources may do harm when overconsumed, and some products marketed as plant based may not be the right option. Our recommendation; get a pro involved, talk to a dietician and get the right knowledge and plan before going vegan.