Ever went for a run and felt so much better mentally afterwards? Here are 3 reasons why running lifts your mood and why you should start now.


Your body releases endorphins when you run. Endorphins are hormones that work to feel pleasure and happiness, with most people post-run referring to the feeling as “runner’s-high” it makes sense why running makes us feel so good.

Running helps control stress through the release of these hormones, meaning when we are stressed out, going for a run can help us feel calmer. Our brains work with these hormones to help regulate stress and allow us to remain focused.

So what does it feel like? It is considered a euphoric state, where we experience extreme pleasure and content.


Running makes us feel more energetic. Due to the endorphins that are released, we gain more mental capacity for taking on the day. Running in the morning is highly recommended by professionals due to the release of endorphins. As mentioned above, it makes us feel happy and when we are happy our brain receptors tell us that we have more energy to do things.

Scientists have even proven that these energy levels can last much later in the day post-run, meaning that it is considered a better option to go for a run earlier in the day.

The Outdoors

We tend to feel much better running outside than we do inside on a treadmill.

Going for a run outside has the ability to make you feel even better, being outside lowers stress and blood pressure, meaning that an outside run may be the best way to combat the pressures of work or other stress factors.

If you have difficulties with focusing, scientists have proven that being outside for a few hours can assist with focusing later in the day.

Get in touch with nature and get that outdoor run in!